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Edgar Brissiaud

Age: 20, from Caen, France 

Studies: Management/Business administration 


Favourite SDGs: 16 and 17

I believe in the continuous improvement of international institutions. An effective and fair multilateralism should not be taken for granted. It should instead be considered an ideal that we should tend towards at the international level to provide adequate support, advice and concrete answers to crises and for every nation to reach the other SDG's pledges. I focus on the creation of win-win partnerships, profitable and empowering for all stakeholders instead of inter-dependencies. 


I look forward to bring my contribution to something bigger, to meet like-minded and open persons. I'm excited for the opportunities, for the serious work, to learn; and for the smiles, laughters, to be involved in all this. I don't pretend to be the best writer, what I'm sure is that I'll bring my touch and motivation!




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