Mia Andersen
Age: 24
Studies: Public International Law (LLM) and Norwegian Master of Laws
Favourite SDG: 16
My favourite SDG is number 16, and my reason is closely linked to SDG 5 - Gender Equality. In order to achieve lasting peace, we need to ensure that women are at the negotiating table and present in all stages of peace and reconciliation processes. Women are often left out, even though inclusive peace processes strengthen and legitimize peace agreements and contribute to longer lasting peace. Most recently concerning the Ukraine war, women have not had any meaningful role in the inter-mittent peace talks since the invasion in 2022. Women’s meaningful participation in peace processes, peacebuilding and security should therefore be a primary focus in conflict resolution.
I am looking forward to creating informative and engaging newsletters and articles surround-ed by students who care genuinely for the fulfilment of human rights globally.
Contact: mia.al@hotmail.com